My aunt gave out to me tonight about my lack of posting this weekwhile I was off… She is also my godmother so therefore I must comply…
I have been thinking about you y’know, just have avoided computers completely (and yes, it does feel great!) Loads of piccies and a pageful of notes in my pocket will spew out over the next day or so but just for the moment…
Who in the name of sweet flying Jesus on a rocket sled googles “Rick O’Shea Radio History” at 9.26 on a Saturday night in Booterstown. Seriously. GET OUT OF THE HOUSE!!!!!! MEET PEOPLE!!!!! ANYTHING!!!!! If you’re a shut in then at least surf porn, play poker or go blind trying to find the 76th Band…
Just like a latter day Wonka factory MCSquared is back up and running full blast with possibly the funniest thing I’ve read in months and, knowing JMcC it’s almost probably all true…
At least my spam is continuing to be suitably surreal. Not for me doggie porn, penis enlargements and cheapo home made viagra… Instead, out of the 24 pages of mail I’ll have to wade through on Monday, there’ll be mostly this:
“I loved the book. I hated the ending,” said 39-year-old Shelly
Blackmore of Centerville, Ohio. “There is a death. I sobbed. It was
I’m disturbingly glad to be back…