One Monkey, Drafting Hamlet

Actually, before I get cracking on New York I had almost forgotten.

A couple of days before I left I’d arranged to see my beloved bngr. She was being all cloak and dagger about it, and my Christmas present. Wanted to meet me in a car park before we went for dinner. Very All The President’s Men.

Then, when I got there she told me to get into the back seat of her car. As I pointed out to her then, the last time a girl asked me to do that…

Anyhew. There was a small suitcase in front of me.

“Open it”, she said.

I did.

Turns out she had remembered this as only she can:

It was glorious.




Mine. All mine.

4 thoughts on “One Monkey, Drafting Hamlet

  1. You won’t be too popular if you bring this on the bus with you in the mornings instead of your moleskin Rick, click clack ding whirr are not morning noises!

    And as for the new show format…..down with this sort of thing !!!

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