Randomness To Kill Ten Seconds


Just a couple of things. I can’t believe just how The Lives Of Others has taken off and how much people are saying under the veil of total anonymity. Have a look: http://thelivesofothers.wordpress.com/ Darragh wrote a great post about the universality of what some people are saying too: http://darraghdoyle.blogspot.com/2008/06/people-who-post-on-lives-of-others.html Maxi’s having trouble with the law: http://maxicane.blogspot.com/2008/06/i-spoke-too-soon.html And Orpees has the post of the day… http://raptureponies.wordpress.com/2008/06/25/thought-for-the-day-3-2/ Geddit? 🙂

Another Convert…


Midget Wrangler is the latest of us to come to the dark side of WordPress, and about time too!!! Visit, express your love, change your blogroll and maybe, just maybe you might get a coveted “Filthy” ™ badge… More than I have *ahem* http://midgetwrangler.wordpress.com