The ECO-UNESCO Young Environmentalist Awards 2006 (now there’s a mouthful…)

Just back from the ECO-UNESCO Young Environmentalist Awards 2006 this evening in the huge domed entrance hall in City Hall. Took a few photos, saw the (sometimes impossibly complicated) entries, hi to everyone I met there…

Love doing these things – I’ve presented the young entrepreneur awards the last couple of years and it’s always ever so slightly entertaining to improvise in what is usually a quite serious “teacher/politician” environment (if you’ll pardon the pun) 🙂

Promised the photos to all I met today – did I pose for one with you? Mail it to me –


2 thoughts on “The ECO-UNESCO Young Environmentalist Awards 2006 (now there’s a mouthful…)

  1. Is this the way we are gonna communicate while I’m working. Cool pictures.

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