The Epilepsy Pacemaker…

Only got to my copy of yesterday’s Guardian today and saw an article about epilepsy – specifically about research at MIT for a “pacemaker” for the brain that might avert seizures.

The full article is HERE and well worth a look…


4 thoughts on “The Epilepsy Pacemaker…

  1. I have done my friend – I’m one of the 96% of people with epilepsy who aren’t photosensitive 🙂

    Feel like an information film sometimes…

  2. Totally random – I’m one of the ones that doesn’t get an aura beforehand so one minute I’m typing to my blog, the next………………………………………………………………………………………..

    Kidding, but you get the idea. There’s nothing more sobering than randomly waking up with a crowd of strangers around you at various points in your life, but surely that’s happened to you a fair few times Twenty? 🙂

    Passers by have had the privelige of witnessing me having seizure in the cinema, a library, a restaurant…..

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