The Wiggles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Wiggles are coming to town!

They’re sold out….

Feck. I’m going to have my eyes clawed out by a very antsy 2 year old when she finds out…


2 thoughts on “The Wiggles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. So I really hate to admit this but I took my 3 year old to see them last Noveber and it was one of the best concerts I had seen last year.


    Diane from Canada

  2. Diane, there’s no shame in that! I burned a CD of their songs for the car…..:-)

    I defy you to find a better written pop song than Go Captain Feathersword, Ahoy!

    Franz Ferdinand are in Wiggles coloured t-shirts on the cover of the current Hot Press!

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