3 thoughts on “Tuesday Morning Leftovers…

  1. Feeling pensive and came across the Tuesday morning leftovers which (for those of us in exsistential humour) seem to represent the detritus of a weekend particularly aptly … Just read over that and realised that I am talking complete bollocks! In my defense, I am trapped alone in a soulless office, mulling over why I spent 4 years doing a MA in English Lit … coffee or jumping out the window has to be the way forward at this point!

  2. I have been called many things over the course of my career – existential has never been one of them up until now (not even when I was studying it in college!)

    I take it as the higest compliment and vote for coffee… It’s always the way forward until your skin starts to crawl with caffeine overdosing…

  3. Check out in short on page 9 of The Times this morning – MIT have come up with a new treatment for epilepsy – looks good

    Had coffee – am happier thanks 🙂

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