99 Problems But A Ticket Ain’t One…

So, the hat thing is done (well, actually I don’t own any hats so a bunch of bits of paper were all thrown in the air and winners randomly picked from them. None of that Winning Streak professionalism at this table) I also managed to score slightly more tickets than I though I had so the list is longer than 5!

The glorious golden children are:



Green Ink

Someone Living




Sorry to everyone else. If this works out I’ll try and do something on a larger scale next time, this is just a bit of an experiment really…

The plan is meet up for a couple of pints around Ballsbridge beforehand? Times TBC. If you can leave a definite yes or no in comments I’ll mail yiz all details during the week.


10 thoughts on “99 Problems But A Ticket Ain’t One…

  1. Thank you very much, Mr Rick. I’ll definitely be up for it and look forward to buying you a pint somewhere in Ballsbridge.

  2. Thanks a million Rick. I’ll be the one who looking lost in a . I’ll be wearing a kick ass retro adidas top. I’m hoping it’s something Jay-Z would approve of.

  3. Hey Rick….thanks for running the compo great idea. Hopefully i’ll have a rub of the green next time….Have a great ngt.
    “Throw ur Diamonds in the Sky”….Layterz Dude

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