Today, for the first time ever, Joan made a boo boo in one of the scripts she gave me… Instead of it saying “Leonardo DiCaprio in Catch Me If You Can”, she wrote “Leonardo DaVinci in Catch Me If You Can”.
I, of course, read it verbatim and didn’t notice. Only thing I could think of…..?
7 thoughts on ““I’m Rick O’Shea….?””
Everytime I watch Anchorman I laugh as loudly as I did the first time I saw it.
True film love never dies.
I like this blog. for real! loansrestructuring
the career of will ferrell baffles me
Knights of Columbas that must have been embarrassing!
Spammer alert above. Nuke him!
š Leonardo daVinci.
But maybe I have loans I might need restructured…..
I laughed long-time at this Ron B clip too. He’s funny.
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