The Return Of Kerri-Ann!

Got this in the mail this morning:

Hey dudes

Late 90’s pop sensation Kerri Ann here. I’m sure
you’ll remember me from stories like this:


(Reproduced from The People 10 January, 1999)

Boyzone star to marry

by Sharon Marshall
Heart-throb Stephen is last to join hubby-zone.

THE last bachelor boy from Boyzone is about to break a
million girls’ hearts by marrying a stunning pop

Stephen Gately is the only member of the five-strong
group who hasn’t tied the knot.

Now pop insiders say he is set to announce his
engagement to Dublin singing sensation Kerri-Ann, 20.


Now I live in London and have a vibrant career as a
stylist/barstaff, helping and empowering others to
scale the pop mountain. But that’s not why I’m writing
to you.

When I heard that David O’Doherty was putting on his
new show at the Project Arts Centre in Dublin next
week, I immediately texted him to offer my services.

You see David is one of that most rare breed, he says
it like it is, he called a shovel a shovel, he makes
up his own mind AND he plays a novelty keyboard from
1985. He’s the real deal people.

And as fate would have it, he is busy writing stuff
for people at the moment and was delighted by my offer
to help with the PR, so here we go!

David O’Doherty: Grown Up

(Norah Jones meets Howard Jones meets Smith and
Project Arts Centre, Temple Bar, Dublin

Monday 17 to Saturday 22 October 2005, 8 pm

euro 10/8

01-8819613 for tickets/info

I really hope you can make it, particularly early in
the week when his parents usually decide to come and
see their son, the man who turned his back on a
potentially lucrative telemarketing career, perform to
a half-full room. Also 10 euro is pretty cheap,
considering the Olympia and Vicar Street are usually
27.50. I mean this is stand up. There’s no extra
expense on hiring drum-kits and all. They are some fat
margins my friends.

all the best

Kerri Ann

And that, in a nutshell, is why I love producing his radio show….. 🙂


PS Oh, and GO TO THE GIG!!!!