100 Books in 2016 (This Is Not A Repeat)




You might remember that in 2014 I set myself the challenge of reading 100 books that year. I even wrote a newspaper column about it, chatted to Sean Rocks on Arena when it was happening, wrote a blog post about how I proposed to do it, finished the challenge with 1 day to spare and even had a lovely spreadsheet made up for me about the breakdown of the books.

Last year I didn’t repeat it for a couple of reasons; I was mentally knackered after 2014, it had come to be a bit of a chore in the last month of that year and I was pretty sure I’d read just as much without it.

Turns out I didn’t.

Last year I read a little over 60 books. That’s pretty decent by my pre-2014 standards and with some incredible books in there but still… I finished the year thinking “but what did I miss in the 40 books I might have read and yet missed?”

So, and against at least part of my better judgement, I’m going to aim to read 100 books again in 2016. I’ve started decently – I’m already on book 5 and I’m not watching TV for January.

I’ll be reviewing all the books here of course and chatting about it over on my FB Book Club.

Mental or a stroke of inspired genius? Come back and ask me in 12 months time…