Blog Awards Piccies – The Director’s Cut

More picture nonsense. I know you’re getting bored already… 

Marcus’ one of me just after I opened my envelope…


RP’s one of Nadine and I


And Sabrina’s one of me and Anne-Marie‘s T…


The ones of Twenty and I are actually very cool but must, for obvious reasons, remain private until I paste Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp’s faces on us. Later. 

Redmum, of course, has two of my favourites. Of me and Mulley and my favourite of the whole evening. Cunning photographer that she is 🙂

I agree with Mulley too BTW – if not for Alexia’s tinkering we would have had no amazing Bush intros on the night and John‘s head would surely have exploded. Would have made a talking point, I suppose…. 😉

And I totally forgot to say thank you to Redmum’s young wan who made the most glamorous of assistants for the evening and added a bit of glitz to the stage 🙂

2 thoughts on “Blog Awards Piccies – The Director’s Cut

  1. Yikes. You were completely right! And yet I have no recollection of that picture being taken. Lordy, I have become a goldfish:-)

  2. And there was me last night going “Oh my God….. I’ve mistaken someone else for Nadine. Totally. I am such a loser…..”


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