Boxed In


All real.

The French authorities in Le Havre have erected a fake apartment building entry lobby made out of a container. Why? To curb the anti-social behavior that can sometime happen in the lobby areas of apartment blocks.

You give “le hoodies” a place to congregate and they’ll feck off and leave you alone. Foolproof.


Yes, that is a stairway to nowhere. It also has a fake lift and intercoms. 

Genius or loopy?

3 thoughts on “Boxed In

  1. Love stuff like this. Imaginative and different and, yes, slightly loopy. Would be interested to see data on how it does/doesn’t improve anti social behaviour.

  2. I’m not sure, a lot of the local kids they canvassed weren’t impressed at the idea of being manipulated. It’s a bit like Marge giving Homer the cake to destroy for himself when she wants him to stay away from her actual cake…

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