Hell is other people… Except these ones.

A few people have been on over the last while asking me to check out their blogs and maybe link to them – glad to:

http://www.epilepsy-paula.blogspot.com – she writes about having epilepsy and its cultural and the social repercussions. Scroll down – I really like her post on heroes and self-loathers. Even I didn’t know Lewis Carroll had temporal lobe epilepsy…

http://katie-lilga.blogspot.com – particularly think the necklace balancing should be encouraged amongst fashionistas of all creeds! She’s been reading the brilliant American Psycho recently too. If I’m honest I haven’t read it cover to cover since I was in college – you forget just how darkly, darkly funny it is…

“at the sushi restaurant tonight mcdermott, in a state of total frustration, asked the girls if they knew the names of any of the nine planets. libby and caron guessed the moon. daisy wasn’t sure but she actually guessed…comet. daisy thought that comet was a planet. dumbfounded, mcdermott, taylor and i all assured her that it was.”

And particularly hi to Flirty Something. She sent in a question for Brian O’Driscoll (the interview is archived HERE) and then wrote a post on her blog about the problem we had on the show on Tuesday (and is getting almost as much of a great response in her comments as I did on the day!)

Fair play…


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