I’m A “Moblogger” I Am…

Was in Dublin city today to voice a Christmas ad for the new Green Day live album and DVD. Don’t get to do them that often but they are worth a few bob when you do and on rare occasions you actually really like what you’re being asked to sell, today being one of those days… 🙂

In the process I met a mate I haven’t seen in ages who works in the recording studio I was at and found out that he not only has a blog but a photoblog to boot!


Explained what I was doing here and how I take all my pix with my camera phone and it turns out I’m a “moblogger” I’ll take his word for it. It got me thinking why I only use my phone when I have a digital camera at home with cobwebs on it and I suppose I’m interested in the limitations of what I’m working with and what I can get out of it. 1.3 megapixel, no flash, natural light… That and I don’t reallly think I could be arsed carrying a camera around with me.

So, I promised yiz photos today and photos yiz shall have!

First off Hallowe’en:

Love the colour that the bonfire comes out in the very limited abilities of the phone, the pumpkin is the very one carved by my family sitting in the living room in the dark…

Got thinking about shop window dummies after re-watching the first episode of the new Dr Who on UK Gold (they’re showing all of them over the next while I think) and passsed these today in Pull & Bear:

I’m fascinated and freaked out by them in equal measure… 🙂

Messages my coffee is sending me part 2:

#5 – Aren’t You Hungry For An Onion?

And this is the giant gobstopper I saw in a shop tooday… Why is it too big to fit in the human mouth? Another one of life’s great mysteries…

Doves live from Oxegen tonight on the show ahead of 2FM Live this Sunday night and it turns out we have Bloc Party live from the very same gig on Monday’s show 🙂