
It was just THE best day possible in Easons on Friday for our Harry Potter day 🙂

Everything was just brilliant, the callers from all across the country, the people at the libraries, Martin and David and all the staff (lovely coffee and pink snacks lads, thanks!), the JK Rowling signature we had to give away, the guys outside in the queue and even the great acoustic tracks from Delorentos:

To have gotten SO much positive stuff said from people who came up to us on the day (and not just the ones looking for free baseball caps I hasten to add), and people who rang and texted afterwards made a huge difference to all of us. There was a month of work on and off that went into it but it all paid off on the day 🙂
All credit to Joan and Tom who did all the real work on the show, Sean and Tony who engineered a storm in very complex circumstances on the day and Helen and Mike who took care of business back at base.

3 thoughts on “Magic…

  1. Sign girl here! (im the one with the or evil sign). It was the best fucking day ever and those signs got me so much attention!! My lifes complete, im on rick o sheas blog!!

  2. Could have murdered you when you said the lads were playing at half 3 which turned out to be 4 ’cause we were there at 2!! 😛 I was second in the queue at Waterstones (far better than Easons) We had wine, owls and rats! 🙂

  3. any chance the delos umbrella cover will ever be available as a download or anything?

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