Morrissey, Marlay…

Jaysus but wasn’t Morrissey on fine form last night (even with the less than capacity crowd)? Was a bit spaced out after the preceding three hours on the show (and without a beer in sight I’ll have you know I was driving!)

Marshall from the Dears and Courtney Taylor-Taylor from the Dandys in the Roadcaster, live stuff from both and I got to meet the Magic Numbers when I was out to get some fresh air and they were comking offstage! Photos to follow – Amanda has them on a real camera.

Thanks a mill to Willy for being our Rose correspondent for the last few days – he was just brill…
Thanks to Joan, Amanda and David for all the continuing incredibly hard work – made it all go off so smoothly last night… The live recording guys and Roadcaster crew are great too of course! Particular thanks to Helen C for literally roping Courtney into the studio for us!

You should be able to listen to it all again HERE for the next week.


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