Greetings dear Rid o’shoes! How is the ear holding up? I wish to register my disappointment at the lack of human decency and respect you showed to Diddly Doodly Drinkly Drunkelberry in not replying to his huntin email! Yours etc, Drunkleberrys secretary.
“24 hours in a day, 24 beers in a case. Coincidence? I think not”
I think I´ve seen that same cool Ford in Dublin 4 near the canal.
Mucho congrats on your very well deserved promotion…
2 thoughts on “Today…”
Greetings dear Rid o’shoes! How is the ear holding up? I wish to register my disappointment at the lack of human decency and respect you showed to Diddly Doodly Drinkly Drunkelberry in not replying to his huntin email!
Yours etc,
Drunkleberrys secretary.
“24 hours in a day, 24 beers in a case. Coincidence? I think not”
I think I´ve seen that same cool Ford in Dublin 4 near the canal.
Mucho congrats on your very well deserved promotion…
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