Vote for Crouchie!!

Just finished glancing over my shoulder in the office at the Liverpool match with Sport Damien just across from me doing the same. We don’t believe in gloating 🙂

However he did forward me a mail today that I believe deserves your attention. As you are probably aware we Irish have a now global reputation for trying to feck up online polls of many shapes and creeds and now there is a new one I think needs your support:

This has to be the best wind up ever.

Worse than the Wolfe Tones even more unbelievable than calling the new bridge/tunnel in Wembley after Keano.

Start an e-mail conspiracy to get Peter Crouch voted as “BBC Sports Personality of the Year”!! How funny would that interview be! The first ever striker not to score in a season and win Sports Personality of the Year!!!!!

All you need is your nomination and your e-mail address!


As with the Meteors vote now and vote often!!!