Abandoned books…

How is it I can’t seem to make progress in any of the books I’m reading recently?

I think the last one I read completely was Noam Chomsky’s Media Control and that’s not much more than a pamphlet. It couldn’t have been the John Peel autobiography, could it? Crap. That seems like a long, long time ago. There was a time (admittedly when I was in college or unemployed…. or before when I had children) that I’d eat 3 or 4 a month when I was travelling on the bus or the DART.

Yes…. Children, that’s the ticket! They’re the reason I’m not getting my reading done…

Since then I’ve started and abandoned Jonathan Safran Foer’s Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close and George Monbiot’s The Age Of Consent. I have managed lovely picture books though. Not sure what that says about me. Even though they were Banksy’s Wall & Peace and that huge book of Henri Cartier-Bresson’s photography I got for Christmas. Oh, and the one on modern design classics. Picture books – yes, that’s the way to go!

Have finally (it has a punt price sticker on it) started Peter Biskind’s Easy Riders, Raging Bulls this week and I’m hoping to make progress on the train today (always a good spot for reading and writing). That depends on how many drunk stag parties or Legion Of Mary days out I’ll be sharing with…