Weird to see the number of logons to the blog from the domain since last night (including one at 8.20 just after we’d left the building!) following on from my recent trips to UCD and TCD but in fairness I did promise to post the piccies of last night’s event as soon as I could…
It was Jenny, myself and the lovely Debbie Allen from 98FM talking to the Media Production society about what a terrible idea it is to get into radio for a career 🙂 Yes, the first question was, as always, “how much do you earn?”
Thanks to Lizanne who had us there and particularly Susan and Andrew (O’Connor – his actual real name….) who suggested that I chat about the sexuality and sexual orientation of chocolate bars on the show last night as they had with a bunch of mates over the weekend…. Pure gold me hearties….
For instance, according to you guys Yorkie, Aero and Kit-Kat-Chunky are definitely straight guys or flaming queens depending on the texter, Cadbury’s Caramel and Snack Pink definitely girls… Curly Wurly is gay and Twix either lesbian or bi…. Anything with nuts in it is by default male… This prompted our own Dan Hegarty to text me reminding me of the wrestler Sexual Chocolate who once had an 82-year-old girlfriend…
Remember, without my show as an outlet these people might be out on the streets causing trouble…