“Lids down, I count sheep, I count heartbeats…”

See what I mean about not being to go to sleep early…?

Rick’s Breakfast Blog“…. Bit prosaic…. In my defence I was pushed for time and a few of the other addresses I’d looked for on blogspot.com were unavailable (rick.blogspot.com, the breakfastblog.blogspot.com, 2fm.blogspot.com, breakfast.blogspot.com… Even starlandvocalband.blogspot.com! A shiny penny to you if you get the Simpsons reference.

I’m actively canvassing suggestions for a name change (well we have been here for 10 whole days now!!! Dreadfully short attention span…) – rick@2fm.ie if you get a bolt of lightning… All titles that reference HH2G, Python, The Simpsons or other cult tv of any kind will be given extra serious consideration.

Also mention should be made of the mother of Eamon our attachment producer who logged onto the net for the very first time the other day because she heard her son had been mentioned here! Hello Mrs Carey – he’s a lovely boy and very polite in the office 🙂