Looks Like I’m Staying In Radio So….

Given that I’m highly aware that there are only 2 types of people who read here, fellow bloggers and fellow radio people, I though you should all be the first to know just how close I came to doing neither ever again after yesterday afternoon. (Decent start, eh?)

I was in the Dundrum Centre, went into Eason’s with the family (they got books, magazines, the new Lemony Snicket, I got the Fortean Times) and was just on the way out when I remembered that we’d done the Euromillions the night before and not checked. I asked the girl behind the counter if she’d scan my ticket for me and lo and behold she said “Wow, oh my God….. You’ve won €274!”

I’ve never won more than the odd tenner on that kind of thing before. Actually, to be honest, I don’t usually play the Lotto at all through sheer forgetfulness and being the sort of surly bastard who immediately presumes someone like me would never win anything! That showed me.

Anyhow, later that evening I checked to see how I’d won – 4 numbers and 1 lucky star. Not bad πŸ™‚ It was only when I decided to check how much I would have won if lady luck had been slightly more kind that I stopped.

That evening for 5 numbers and 1 lucky star? €1,600,000.


Looks like I’ll be on from 6 tomorrow evening so.


4 thoughts on “Looks Like I’m Staying In Radio So….

  1. LOL, well done (and hard luck) Rick. I refuse to ever let any shop attendant check my ticket, for fear that I do actually win the big one, and I unstantly have someone to hound me for money, and spread the word that I have won!

    Checking my ticket by hand, or using one of the automatic scanners, or both, is usually the way for me!

  2. 274 Euros.. That would have been enough for me to retire. Radio people get paid very little in Canada. We work mainly for free pizza, old coffee, the odd t-shirt and concert tickets. So.. yea. Good on ya’ Rick.

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