The Loneliness Of The Long Distance Blogger…

Just downstairs here in studio I met an old workmate I haven’t seen in a while… Small talk ensued and then he told me “Heya, love the blog….” which leads me to the thrust of this particular ramble…

Out of all of the people who read the blog every day (or every week) only a tiny, tiny percentage ever leave a comment and thus interact with you thus making blogging a particulary solitary pastime. That is until you start to understand the scope of the one-way relationship you’re having with some of your closest family, friends, work colleagues and aquaintances.

My dad and brother read here as do my boss, my producer, closest friends and friends I only see every so often (there’s nothing so disappointing as starting to tell them some news only to have them cut you short with “Oh yeah, read it on the blog…”) Even a guy I went to school with who got in contact recently for the first time in 15 years admittied he read here regularly…

I’m sure there are loads of people I know, work with or similarly haven’t seen in years who keep in touch with what’s going on not only through the show (that’s happened for years) but now far more intimately through what I write here.

It’s a bit creepy actually…

Do you know me personally? Mail me creepy creeper!!!!!!


PS What do you call Darth Vader riding an Elephant crossing the road? An Ele-Vader… That’s the latest in 7 year old humour…