2FM’s Brand New Studio…

Not mad into the whole anoraky “whey-eh” end of the business but I thought those of my friends of that persuasion might be interested in what follows. 2FM has 2 main broadcast studios that we use on a day to day basis and the first and slightly larger of them (CC3 – don’t ask…) has just gone through a refit and mighty pretty and 21st century it is too…

There will be grown men wetting themselves at the photos above…. Seriously… No, this isn’t the studio I come from; mine is the slightly cosier CC1 (again don’t ask!) which is due its tarting up in the new year and yes, there are 12 manuals to cover how to work all of what you see.. It goes into service today.


PS Off topic but sort of related – I found this pic I took when I was in BCFE to launch their radio station earlier in the year… I was being toured around the old rooms and studios I used to be in when I went there and came upon this in a storeroom:

It’s the old main studio desk from Mornington House – the one we used when I was at Atlantic 252 in the mid-90s. Loved the big chunky red and green buttons at the bottom of the faders for stop and start (it was the eternal complaint of the engineers that we whacked them too hard all the time thus necessitating their constant replacement) I have one of the buttons sitting on the side of my desk here at home just for old times sake…