Oh, and digital radio has (finally!) begun in Ireland!
Came into reception this evening and there it is, a brand new sparkling tuner picking up the R1 test transmissions from 3 Rock…
No 2Fm yet, we’re not as important…. 🙂
UPDATE: If I have a spike of readers then it must be Slugger O’Toole 🙂 For all techies interested our intranet has the details:
The 80th birthday of radio in Ireland was celebrated on January 1st 2006 by the successful testing of the DAB signal in a area covering much of Dublin and parts of Kildare and Wicklow. All national stations are currently available on DAB in this technical trial. Over the course of the next two weeks the transmission times and power from Three Rock will increase.
2 thoughts on “Small Tear In The Corner Of The Eye…”
We’ve had digital radio in Ireland for quite a while Rick. Just taking the 26 county part a while to catch-up.
hehehe digital is better, but u have to miss the ould fella 🙂
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